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71 items found for ""

  • Banana Baked Oats

    Aka socially acceptable cake for breakfast Ingredients: 1/2 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup mashed banana 1 tbsp all purpose flour 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 cup milk (cow, almond, oat, etc.) 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp sweetener (sugar, monk fruit powder, or maple syrup) 2 tbsp roasted pecans (optional) 1 tbsp chocolate chips (optional) Step 1: Pour all ingredients except chocolate chips into the blender, blend until there is a smoothie like texture. Step 2: Pour batter into ramekin or small baking dish, and sprinkle with chocolate chips. Step 3: Bake at 375°F for 15-20 minutes, and enjoy!!!

  • Blueberry Pie Ice Cream

    This summer has just been an episode of people asking me over and over again to make them this ice cream, so now I am releasing the recipe to humanity. You want it so much? Then make it yourself you lazy baboon.-Me. Ingredients: 14 oz sweetened condensed milk 2 tbsp vanilla bean paste or vanilla extract 1/2 tsp salt 4 oz cream cheese, room temperature 2 cups heavy cream 3 cups frozen blueberries 2 tbsp lemon zest 1/4 cup white sugar 2 cups chopped/shredded flakey pastry crust or pie crust (baked) Directions: Mix blueberries, lemon zest, and sugar in a medium saucepan over medium heat. When the sugar has melted, let the mixture cool for at least 45 minutes at room temperature or 30 minutes in the fridge. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, and salt. In a bowl of a stand mixer, beat the cream cheese until fluffy, and whip in the heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Whisk the condensed milk mixture into the cream mixture until fully combined. Fold in the blueberry sauce and chopped pastry crust until barely combined. Pour the ice cream batter (dough? batter? idk what to call it) into a tupperware or ice cream tub. Freeze for at least 6 hours. Scoop, Serve, and Enjoy!

  • Iranian Cuisine and Why You Should Give it a Try

    No experience is quite like walking through a food market in Iran. The smell of the juicy Kabobs, the sound of the crackling stones baking the bread, the sight of the lavashak tables, holding what seems to be hundreds of the sour, fruity, and juicy treats. While Iranian restaurants in America could never compete with the experience. The food is always very delicious still. So why is it that whenever I enter an Iranian restaurant in America, it is always near empty? There are so many delicious Iranian restaurants that so often go unnoticed by Americans. I imagine the cause of this is the great unknown of trying new foods. But ladies and gentlemen and everyone else, these fearful days have come to the end because now you have....(drumroll please)..... TBHBaking's Totally Unbiased Top 10 Iranian Food Recommendations!!! Fesenjoon- My all time favorite Iranian dish of all time. This pomogranite chicken stew is a little sour, a bit sweet, and absolutely delicious! Khoresh Gheymeh- This beef and split pea stew is topped with crunchy potato thin potato wedges. With its comforting and simple flavors, it is a great introduction to Iranian Cuisine. Ghormeh Sabzi- With many considering it the national dish of Iran, it of course had to make it in the top three. With its herbs, red kidney beans, and lamb chunks, it is a delicious tangy stew. Kabob Koobideh- A classic. Kabob Koobideh is a ground lamb or beef kabob with onions, peppers, and spices. It is often eaten with rice or bread. Kabob Barg-Anouther popular Iranian kabob. This one doesn't use ground meat, instead it is made of thin marinated meat. It can also be referred to in America as "Filet Minion Kabob". Mast-o-khair- Sure it's a side...but oh boy is it delicious. This mint cucumber yogurt is easy to make at home and a great dip for bread or sauce for rice. Shirazi Salad- This lemony cucumber tomato salad is another popular side in Iran. It goes well as a side to any savory dish or but it is also delicious alone. With only a few simply ingredients, this is a staple side to make at home. Lavashak- Sure its a snack/dessert but..still food, right? So I am here to tell you, that if you have never had Lavashak, you need to sprint to your local Iranian grocery store right now! This sour fruit leather is a great snack and can be found in many Iranian food markets and bazaars. Persian Love Cake- This rose and cardamom cake is a proud pleaser! With its classic Iranian dessert flavors, it is a delicious cake. Faloodeh- this sweet frozen noodle dessert hits the spot on a hot summer day. Commonly served with lemon juice and cherry syrup, its sweetness is perfectly balanced. Of course there are tons of other delicious Iranian dishes that you should definitely try! But if you are looking for a few to start, I hope you will find a couple that interest you off of my list. Even if you don't have an Iranian Restaurant near you, many of these dishes are still pretty simple to make at home. A dish made with love trumps restaurant cooking any day of the week<3

  • Cake Stuck to the Pan is NOT PART OF THE PLAN

    Imagine you spend all day making a delicious cake, it goes in the oven, it comes out, your home takes on the sweet smell of warm vanilla sugar, and in all of this bliss all of the sudden...nothing. You flipped the pan over and the cake did not perfectly slide out! It's fine, everything is fine, you say to yourself. But when the middle of the cake suddenly falls out and you are left with a black hole in the middle of your once glorious chiffon, suddenly the vanilla scent does not smell so sweet. But not to worry, because you have found the foolproof way to prevent this from happening! And if you are reading this while sobbing on the kitchen floor, get yourself together and make cake pops. Everything is going to be ok:) ...Ok y'all so let's not become that loser who breaks their cake so lets get into this. Place parchment paper on the bottom and sides of the pan Brush/Spread melted butter all over the pan, under and over the parchment paper. ...and that's seriously all there is to it. Thanks to the buttered parchment the cake will instantly fall out of the pan with ease. No more weird knife marks on the sides of your cake from trying to stab a cake out of the tin!

  • Salted Caramel Sauce

    This salted caramel sauce is delicious in a coffee, cake, or as an ice cream topping! Ingredients: 1 cup white sugar 5 tbsp unsalted butter 1/2 cup heavy cream 2 tsp salt (or to taste) Directions: In a medium sauce pan, heat sugar while stirring with a rubber spatula until it forms a golden/amber colored thick liquid. Stir in butter and mix vigorously until melted (beware of splatter, if butter separates cool off the mixture and just keep mixing). When the color darkens slightly, mix in the heavy cream slowly and steadily. When desired darkness has been reached, remove from heat and add in salt. Let cool slightly to thicken it, jar it, and keep it in the fridge for up to one month for whatever you need it for! Note: Even after the caramel cools, it will thicken much more in the fridge, so ensure that your caramel is slightly thinner than you want it to be when you refrigerate it. To do this simply add in more cream if needed.

  • Classic Cream Cheese Frosting

    This frosting is great on its own, but you can always add your own unique twist on it with powdered dehydrated fruit, fruit purée, sprinkles, or crushed nuts! Ingredients: 2 sticks unsalted butter (1 cup), softened 16 ounces cream cheese, softened 4 cups confectioners sugar 1 tsp vanilla bean paste (or vanilla extract) Directions: Beat the cream cheese and butter separately for a minute before combining them. Whip on medium speed for 4-1o mins (depending on how fluffy you want your frosting). Sift in confectioners sugar, and add in vanilla Beat for a minute, or however long it takes for the confectioners sugar to fully incorporate. Spread or pipe onto any cake, cookie, or treat you desire!

  • Soft and Flakey Lemon Poppyseed Scones

    I know that you shouldn't trust people on the internet, but trust me when I say these are the best. scones. ever. They are so soft, fluffy and flakey. They don't crumble, and they melt in your mouth. Not to mention the incredible fresh lemon flavor and poppyseed crunch! This is the best scone I have ever had!- me Ingredients: Scones: 2 cups all purpose flour 1/2 cup white sugar 1/4 cup poppy seeds 1 tbsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 6 tbsps cold butter (preferably frozen) 2 eggs, beaten 1/2 cup greek yogurt 1 tbsp vanilla bean paste (or vanilla extract) 3 tbsp lemon zest 2 tbsp heavy cream Glaze: 1 cup confectioners sugar 2 tbsp melted butter 1/4 cup lemon juice 1 tsp lemon zest 2 tbsp poppy seeds (optional) Directions: Preheat the oven to 375°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Grate the butter. Mix together your dry ingredients (including lemon zest) and grated butter until your mixture looks like coarse meal. Add in wet ingredients (except cream) and stir to combine. If dough is too wet gradually add in a few tbsps of flour, if dough is too dry add in more yogurt. On a lightly floured surface, pack crumbs together and roll out the dough to be roughly 1.5 inches high. Cut 8 wedges like it's a pizza. If you want your scones to be smaller, make 2 smaller circles of dough, and cut them each into 6 wedges. Place on your prepared baking sheet, brush with cream, and bake for 15-23 minutes. While baking, prepare your glaze. Mix together all glaze ingredients to make a smooth and glossy glaze. It should not be very thick or thin. When cooled, use a spoon to pour glaze all over the scones. Wait 15 minutes for the glaze to settle in, and enjoy!

  • Sholeh Zard

    Sholeh Zard is a classic Iranian dessert, it resembles a saffron rose rice pudding.....but better. This is my moms recipe, so it is objectively the best Sholeh Zard recipe. Ingredients: 2 cups long grain jasmine rice 12(ish) cups of water 2.5 cups white sugar 1/2 tsp saffron 1/2 cup rose water cinnamon (optional) dried roses (optional) Directions: Wash your rice and simmer until it is soft and can be crushed with a fork, about 1.5 hours. Grind saffron and add into rice, along with sugar and rose water. Boil for five minutes while mixing continuously until thickened. Pour into serving dish. Wait five mins before adding on cinnamon and dried roses. Store in the fridge for at least an hour before enjoying!

  • French Toast

    I feel like French Toast is just one of those things nobody really needs a recipe for. Human beings are just wired to be able to make it. But if you are one of those people who suffer from self doubt and don't know if they can trust themselves in the kitchen without a recipe, this French toast recipe is for you. With its crispy edges, custardy center, and subtle comforting cinnamon vanilla flavor, it is a delicious classic. Ingredients: 1 egg 1/4 cup milk 1/2 tsp vanilla bean paste (or vanilla extract) 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1 tbsp sugar 4 slices of bread (I prefer brioche) Directions: In a low rise bowl or pie dish, mix together your ingredients (except for the brioche). Toast the brioche slices for two minutes. Douse the brioche slices in the egg mixture until all sides are covered. Cook on a pan over medium heat until both sides are golden, flipping midway. Serve with your favorite toppings and enjoy!

  • Coffee Jelly

    Your money may not jiggle jiggle, but this jelly does- Me. Ingredients: 2 tsp gelatin powder 2 expresso shots 1 cup hot water 2 tbsps brown sugar 1/2 cup room temperature water Whipped cream (optional) Vanilla ice cream (optional) Directions: Sprinkle gelatin over hot water, and let bloom for five minutes. Mix espresso shots, gelatin water, and sugar in a heatproof bowl. When the sugar dissolves, mix in room temperature water. Pour coffee jelly mixture into 6 serving bowls, cover tops with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 6 hours - up to 3 days. Enjoy plain, or serve with whipped cream or ice cream!

  • My Frosting Fiasco

    Ever since I was a kid I could never get my frosting to be quite right. It was always clumpy, or liquid, heck it was even crunchy one time! Sure, you could excuse my poor frosting skills by saying I was seven. But to me, I was just another baker. While everyone in the YouTube videos I watched could effortlessly make a smooth buttercream, I couldn't. That was until I came across cream cheese frosting. It was great! With its creamy texture, and subtle tartness, it tasted exactly like a delicious cheesecake. However my cream cheese frosting was not always ending up as smooth as I would like. Two major tips that I wished I had learned earlier is to let the cream cheese and butter come to room temperature before whipping them, and to whip up the cream cheese and butter a bit separately before combining them. If the butter and cream cheese have different temperatures, they may not mix properly, and you could end up with a buttercream with weird clumps of cream cheese in it. Cream cheese frosting has a distinct taste and texture, so I wanted another frosting recipe that was fluffier and didn't have a cheesecake like flavor. Whipped cream frosting, while simple, really fit my criteria. I feel like when most people think of whipped cream frosting, they think of the delicate foam that comes out of spray bottles. But homemade whipped cream is far thicker and can hold interesting piped designs. If you plan on frosting your cake over a day ahead of time, I suggest making a stabilized whipped cream frosting. Another amazing aspect of whipped cream frosting, is that you can boil the cream in tea leaves or dried flowers, to give the frosting a unique flavor of your choosing. I love to make earl grey frosting using this method. However, if you plan on boiling the cream prior to making the frosting, make sure it cools before you begin whipping it! Please comment below if you have any unique frosting techniques that you think I should try! I am always open to trying new things :)

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